Pubblicazioni Scientifiche

Conference proceeding: CATINARI F., PIERDICCA A., CLEMENTI F., LENCI S. (2017). “Identification and calibration of the structural model of historical masonry building damaged during the 2016 Italian earthquakes: The case study of Palazzo del Podestà in Montelupone”

Rivista Nazionale: CLEMENTI F., LENCI S., MONNI F., MASSACCESI M., PIERDICCA A. (2017). “TECNICHE DI IDENTIFICAZIONE MODALE PER L’ANALISI STRUTTURALE, L’evoluzione del comportamento dinamico di un edificio scolastico in cemento armato soggetto a miglioramento sismico”STRUCTURAL WEB Building Engineering + Structural Design

International Journal: PIERDICCA A, CLEMENTI F., FORTUNATI A., LENCI S.. (2017). One-year monitoring of a reinforced concrete school building: Evolution of dynamic behavior during retrofitting works” Engineering Structures – ENGINEERING STRUCTURES Elsevier – submitted

Conference proceeding: PIERDICCA A, CLEMENTI F., MEZZAPELLE P., FORTUNATI A., LENCI S.. (2017). One-year monitoring of a reinforced concrete school building: Evolution of dynamic behavior during retrofitting works”. X International Conference on Structural Dynamics, EURODYN 2017

International Journal: PIERDICCA A, CLEMENTI F., MARACCI D., ISIDORI D., LENCI S.. (2016). Damage detection in a precast structure subjected to an earthquake: a numerical approach” Engineering Structures – Elsevier. DOI 10.1016/j.engstruct.2016.08.058

Conference proceeding: PIERDICCA A, CLEMENTI F., MARACCI D., ISIDORI D., LENCI S.. (2016). Damage detection in a precast structure subjected to an earthquake: a numerical approach” Stochastic Mechanics – Meccanica Stocastica 2016, June 2016, Capr – Italy.

Conference proceeding: PIERDICCA A, CLEMENTI F., MARACCI D., ISIDORI D., LENCI S.. (2015). Vibration-based shm of ordinary buildings: detection and quantification of structural damage”15th International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers&Informations in Engineering Conference IDECT/CIE 2015, Boston, Massachusetts, USA

Conference proceeding: PIERDICCA A, CLEMENTI F., MARACCI D., ISIDORI D., LENCI S. (2015). Vibration-based shm of ordinary buildings: detection and quantification of structural damage”7th International Conference on Structural Health Monitoring of Intelligent Infrastructure in Turin – Italy.

Conference proceeding: PIERDICCA A, CLEMENTI F., ISIDORI D., ANGELONI J., LENCI S. (2015). Structural health monitoring applications with wireless sensors on an historical masonry building”. XXII Conference – The Italian Association of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Polytechnic School (AIMETA)- Facilities of Architectural Science – University of Genova

International Journal: PIERDICCA A, CLEMENTI F., ISIDORI D., E. CONCETTONI, C. CRISTALLI, LENCI S. (2015). “Numerical model upgrading af an historical masonry palace using wireless sensor network”. International Journal of Masonry Research and Innovation (IJMRI). Essay on scientific volume: PIERDICCA A (2015).

PIERDICCA A. “Tra forma e struttura: progettazione aerodinamica delle linee elettriche aeree”. In: “Forma e struttura: tra architettura e ingegneria”. a cura di L. Consolini e S. Lenci, Ermes Edizioni Scientifiche, Ariccia 2015, ISBN 978-88-6975-025-0